Mobile App Installs campaign with average CPI $0,92
From product awareness to installation and a new option of ordering rides via mobile app
Markets/ Croatia
Cammeo is one of the leading taxi services in Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia. As a response to Uber entering the market, it was the first local taxi company to launch a mobile app for iOS and Android. This innovation has led to the simplification of the ordering process and has reduced fees for users. The main goal of the campaign was product awareness, which resulted in the app installation.
By targeting iOS and Android users and daily A/B testing, we have successfully activated thousands of Cammeo users who downloaded the app with an average cost per installation (CPI) of $0,6-$1,22. Except for the number of installs, we have successfully reached more than 420.000 unique users in cities that Cammeo is present.
Mobile-only campaigns, Facebook Ads: Image Ads, App Installs, Location targeting, Custom audiences, Lookalike audiences, Content & Community management, UTM tracking code, Remarketing